
Group 2: Conclusions


  1. AnonymousJune 10, 2009

    I personally think this is absolutely marvellous but it could use some extra touches like spelling for example there are quite a few places where we could have checked the spelling and we could’ve been more clear and good and I believe we could have worked together a bit more (though I probably wasn’t XD) well anyways good work group 2
    Sincerely, Ryan.

  2. AnonymousJune 10, 2009

    I read your answer, and I don't really understand it. Before reading your answer I
    read the qustion, then I thoght I had better take a closer look, when I did,I noticed they all had 4 sides, 4 points, as well as atleased 2 acute angles.When I reread your response,I realised that's what you wrote.

  3. AnonymousJune 10, 2009

    I Agree with ryan, their solution was awesome! But...there were some spelling mistakes. I believe that they were clear with their response and didn't make it too long, but didn't make it too short :)

    Chloe :)

  4. AnonymousJune 11, 2009

    All the points were in there. I think should you maybe added some more ideas like show how you solved it. I hope you can do this another time. Dan Yang

  5. AnonymousJune 13, 2009

    Although your presentation could have been more clear, I believe you did a great job considering the time we had. Another possible strategy you could have used is counting the vertices. As wel as looking to find the other angles besides acute.

  6. AnonymousJune 15, 2009

    Group 2 did a good job but i believe you were a little too specific. Maybe if you explained your strategies a bit more then your answer would be a bit more clear. For example when you say that you need to look at the characteristics and find similar characteristics, maybe you should explain why you decided to do that or some good ways to do that. But i know it is difficult to do that on comic life so either way you did a really great job!


  7. AnonymousJune 18, 2009

    sorry, i meant you should have been a bit more specific, not that you were too specific!!!


  8. AnonymousJune 22, 2009

    Group 2 you guys did a really good job but I agree with julie you need to be more specfic. To use comic life was very creative. Josh :]
